About us

Constitution and By-laws
Both our Constitution and By-laws have recently been revised and copies of these documents may be downloaded or ordered from the Administration Office. The purpose of the Constitution is to set the general rules of the Club as required and prescribed by the members. Clauses of the Constitution may be altered, amended, omitted or added only by a general meeting of all club voting members and only then with a 75% majority. The By-laws, on the other hand, are particular rules relating to specific subjects which are set, from time to time, by the Board of Management and may by changed by the Board at any time with immediate effect but always within the context of the Constitution.


Management Structure

The President of the Club, and the chairmen of the Management Committees comprise the Executive Committee.

The Board comprises the Executive Committee plus an elected male and female representative from the general membership.

The club is managed by Management Committees as follows:

Finance Committee          –  chaired by the Director of Finance.
Match Committee             – chaired by the Men’s and Ladies’ Captains.
Course Committee            – chaired by the Director of Course.
House Committee             – chaired by the Director of House..
Golf Operations                 – chaired by the Vice-President.

Each Management Committee has one elected member and as many co-opted members as are required from time to time. The President is an ex-officio member of all committees and the Chairman of the Board.

Communications within the Club
All members are encouraged to voice their opinions, grievances, complaints, suggestions and even compliments by talking to Board or Committee members or, for more serious matters, writing to the Board through the Club Administrator. All comments will be fully considered and answered by the appropriate body.

A member may only terminate their membership by a letter of resignation at the end of the membership year.

Minutes Book
The minutes of all Board meetings, once approved by the Board, are available shortly after the Board Meeting and may be perused by members. Attached to these minutes, and forming part of them, are the reports presented to that Board meeting by the Chairmen of each Committee of Management. By reading these minutes regularly members may keep themselves up to date with all the activities within the club. For minutes of previous Board meetings please contact the Club Administrator.

News Bulletins
News bulletins are issued on a regular basis and seek to keep members informed of all important issues on the course and in the clubhouse and for making announcements of forthcoming events. Back numbers of these bulletins are retained and may be inspected on request.